This remarkable book has been written by the
Rev. W. St. Clair-Tisdall, Missionary, C.M.S., Julfa, Persia. It takes up a
subject never as yet brought properly under discussion either by Muslims or
Christians namely, the origin of the Qur'an, and the Sources from which
both it and Tradition have been derived. By the teaching of Muhammad the Qur'an
is of divine origin, and was brought down, as Tradition tells us, word
by word by Gabriel to the Prophet's ear. The original is "written
on a Tablet, kept in Heaven,"1 "sent down on the night of al
Cadr"2 by
the Almighty. Thus the Qur'an comes from God alone, heavenly, divine, and
uncreate from all eternity. Now if it be shown that much of this grand book
can be traced to human Sources existing daily around the Prophet, then Islam
falls to the ground. And this is what the Author proves with marvelous power
and erudition.
Such Sources as were derived from the Arabs