A response to 6.0

Muhammad in the Bible

First of all, the Christians did not come from nowhere. They had roots imbedded in history, the history of Gods People. Their roots go deep in the Old Testament. And they have very jealously kept it and studied it, because they know that in it they have Gods Truth. It is obvious from the foregoing passages of Scriptures that the idea of using Old Testament prophecies did not originate with them. They received it from Jesus Himself. Jesus Himself opened the Scriptures for them so that they could understand. (This is not a book on the prophecies about Jesus, so I will not elaborate any more. If you want to find out more I ask you to search the web).

Secondly the Scriptures are clear as to their teachings as to what and whom should we follow, and how we should regard them. Please read with me:

So it is obvious that no one will want to change anything concerning anyone that is talked about in the Bible. No one is trying to hide anything. You can prove anything you want but that will not change the foregoing facts. If you read the Gospel accounts you will find them dotted with references to the Old Testament, and these did not come from a vacuum.

And thirdly I want to refer the kind reader to the Quran to the Sura al saff. That is sura 61 and verse 6 where it says:

And what we Christians say, is that the Bible does not have any reference to this person. Nowhere in the Bible do we find a reference about a prophet coming after Jesus. But of course you can do what you want to. You can force a passage to read as you please, but that is not going to change the facts.

Fourthly I want to ask my kind Muslim friend: how would you like for me to start interpreting the Quran according to a Christian's understanding and do with it as he pleases. I do not believe Mr. Al-Qadhi did anyone any favors. He misguided the Muslims into thinking that they have something to hold onto here and they really do not. And as to the not so knowledgeable Christian, he became unhappy about this lack of respect for the Word of God. The knowledgeable Christian, because he is loving and understanding, he is amused by this poor attempt at biblical exegeses. But as we say here in the Arab World, (الغرقان يتعلّق بقشّة) which is to say a drowning person tries to hold onto a straw.

Fifthly the Christians accepted the Old Testament and, as a matter of fact, before the development of the New Testament it was their only Scriptures. And in this sense we can say that the Injeel (هيمن) became a guardian of the Old Testament keeping it from being corrupted. I do not see the kind Muslims rushing to do with the Christian books as the Christians have done with the Torah, or the Old Testament. To claim something is not the same as carrying out that claim. If you want to be a guardian of something you have to have that thing in your possession to guard. And you are not saying as a Muslim that the Quran is the Torah and the Injeel. That will be something very new indeed. My desire for you is that you take what the Injeel and the Torah at face value and consider the message that they contain. I will repeat the words of Jesus to the Jews of His day, 'You search the Scriptures because you believe they give you eternal life. But the Scriptures point to me.'. I beg you, my friend, to consider this: Does the bride after receiving many messages from her groom and when at last the groom himself come to her await for any other messages from him? I do not think so.

The Rebuttal to "What Did Jesus Really Say?"
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